15 Feb La Federación Internacional de Médicos Católicos publica una Nota sobre las vacunas Covid-19
Ref.: https://www.fiamc.org/covid-19/on-vaccines-a-clarification/
Zagreb, December 20, 2020
Dear colleagues,
I see that the coronavirus vaccines have caused great alarm among the Catholic world, which I understand and justify. Each new phenomenon should be carefully considered before usage, including new vaccines. But as physicians (and scientists) we can’t forget that the core of our vocation is to help the sick and protect the health of the population.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that life and physical health are precious gifts that God has entrusted to us. We should take reasonable care of them, considering the needs of others and the common good (see: CCC 2288) while the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith make a clear distinction in the relevant documents between the moral responsibility of producers and scientists using morally problematic biological material and the moral responsibility of recipients of specific vaccines and medicines (see: Dignitas Personae). Therefore, the intention of our Society was to unite these two views in the Statement released last week: our professional obligation to help the others (and clarify some prejudices about vaccines) and to encourage the usage of those solutions that are not contrary to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Although public debates sometimes rely on generalizing that all COVID-19 vaccines are associated with elective abortion and, moreover, contain parts of aborted fetuses, the available data suggest that some vaccines have nothing to do with human fetal cells, others were used by researchers only for testing within laboratory tests prior to the start of human testing and production, while historical human fetal cell lines are used in the production of some vaccines. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE